Friday, July 1, 2011


(Sumber: chefnini)

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The recipe

Pour 8 macarons environ : For about 8 buttons:

  • 1 egg white (medium size)
  • 40g ground almonds
  • 65g icing sugar
  • 15g caster sugar

La préparation des ingrédients : The preparation of ingredients:

Pour the white in a cul-de-hen (or pan).

Weigh the sugar and almond powder and mix it in your robot. Sift onto a large sheet of parchment paper with a fine sieve.

- Weigh in a ramekin powdered sugar.

Etape 1 : Tiédir les blancs Step 1: Warm white

- Be cool white in a double boiler, whisking by hand quietly.

Test the temperature of the white with your finger: it should be warm. The white becomes fluffy.

Etape 2 : Montez les blancs en neige Step 2: Beat the egg whites until stiff

- Remove the bowl from the pan, put on your work surface and beat with electric mixer on speed 1.

- When it turns white, add the powdered sugar and continue whipping, speed 2, to obtain a white foam and bright.

- You should see a "beak" at the end of your whip. You can add to the time of the dye (red dye for me), finish a whipping speed to incorporate the dye.

Etape 3 : Le macaronnage Step 3: macaronnage

- Pour the mixture while almond powder / sugar in the meringue in macaroons and 4-5 times: take a spatula or a horn and make an upward movement back toward you and turning the bowl a quarter turn.

- The dough should be soft. When you lift and you let it fall, you will preview the appearance of the shells. The dough should be smooth and reform quietly.

Etape 4 : Le “pochage” Step 4: The "poaching"

- Ask a sheet of parchment paper on baking sheet.

- Pour into a pastry bag with dough 10mm badge and poach: Place your sleeve perpendicular to the plate, apply pressure with the hand placed over the pastry bag, stop the pressure and remove the socket by a Circle in the direction of clockwise while touching the badge. This will avoid forming a point on the hull.

- Smack the plate on the work plan for the hull take shape.

- Remove the parchment paper from the plate gently to avoid damaging the hulls. Place the plate in the fridge while the crust.

Etape 5 : Le croûtage Step 5: The crust

- Let crust 40 minutes.

- After 30 minutes, preheat oven to 160 ° C fan oven.

- Place the paper on the plate sulfurized coming from the refrigerator and place it on another plate or drip pan in your oven. Bake in the oven halfway up for 10 minutes, then lower to 140 ° for 3-5 min.

Etape 6 : Le décollage Step 6: Take-off

- Let cool before taking off the shells gently: turn the parchment paper so as to lay the hulls on the work plan and to have the parchment paper on top: Gently peel the paper from the sticker.

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